
John Reinhardt Book Design 13216 Legends Trail Dade City, FL 33525
E-MAIL: john@bookdesign.com
PHONE: 1-352-668-8240
More than 2,500 books designed . . .
- The Complete Win at Whist, Joe Andrews
- Lenses of Perception, Doug Marman
- The Person Leaders Really Need to Know, Richard Metheny
- Maximize Your Cruise & Destination Experience, Carolyn Wood and Mary Jane Zabinski
- The Book of Satoshi, Phil Champagne
- The Mulatto man, James Thompson
- Citizenship, Difference, Politics, Gallaudet University Press
- Legal Rights, Gallaudet University Press
- It's Small World, Gallaudet University Press
- Mental Health and Deafness, Gallaudet University Press
- Improving Positive Transition Outcomes, Gallaudet University
- The Complete Mediterranean Diet, BenBella Books
- Country Music Broke My Brain, BenBella Books
- Get a Grip, BenBella Books
- Grassroots Health Care Revolution, BenBella Books
- The One-Week Marketing Plan, BenBella Books
- Happy Herbivore, BenBella Books
- How to talk to Hot Guys, BenBella Books
- Pretty Little Killers, BenBella Books
- Crude Justice, BenBella Books
- Finding Zoe, BenBella Books
- Through the Eye of the Tiger, BenBella Books
- 7L, BenBella Books
- The Setup, BenBella Books
- Renegade at Heart, BenBella Books
- Big Bang Theory, BenBella Books
- Evangelpreneur, BenBella Books
- White Devil, BenBella Books
- [R]evolution, BenBella Books
- In Our Hands, Gallaudet University Press
- Sign Language Interpreting in Brazil, Gallaudet University Press
- My Life with Kangaroos, Gallaudet University Press
- More than Meets the Eye, Gallaudet University Press
- I Want It Now!, Julie Dawn Cole
- Immigrant Steps, Sid Vaidya
- The Dowser's Legacy, Dave Kolok
- What's it Worth - Mobile Home, Michelle Rae
- Reckoning at Hart's Pass, Elizabeth Macalaster
- Musician's Guide to Rhythm, Julian Gersten
- How to Remember Every card in the Deck, Bob
- Hampton
- Vermont Big Game Record book, Curtis Smiley
- 1804 Silver Dollar, Mark Ferguson
- The Clever Mill Horse interior, Jodi Lew-Smith
- How to Gracefully Exit a Relationship, Frank Love
- Scotland the Brave, W.B. Carnochan
- AERIE Training Manual, Dion Petaros
- Improve Your Declarer Play, Audrey Grant
- Collapse of Dignity, BenBella Books, Inc.
- My First Car was a Motorcycle . . ., Hedley Turk
- The Angels Are Talking, Angela Thornton
- Reach for Paradise, Andrew Raynor
- OPEN, BenBella Books, Inc.
- Power of the Twelve, BenBella Books, Inc.
- Brain Changer, BenBella Books, Inc.
- If You Are in the Driver’s Seat, BenBella Books, Inc.
- The Bank on Yourself Revolution, BenBella Books, Inc.
- Mission Driven Hospital, Chris Bart
- Recetas de Solane Book 1 and 2
- Before I Go, Arie Korving
- 101 Recipes for Cats, Hilary Watson
- Rescue Cat, Brenda Fiorini
- The Family Seder, Jonathan David
- My Life with Kangaroos - Gallaudet University Press
- The Bee Book - Melissa Brodeur
- Forbidden Fairytale Book III - Yanet Platt
- Get a Grip - Gino Wickman and Mike Paton
- Balancing - Mike Lawrence
- Bayard Berndt - David Berndt
- Networking is Dead - Melissa Wilson and Larry Mohl
- Presumed Guilty - Jose Baez
- What Really Happened - Rielle Hunter
- I Married Mr. America - Lindy Tefft
- Newcomer to Otter Creek - Carolyn Stephen and Susan Barber
- We Need to Talk - Reverand Doctor Leonard Smith
- Nevada Photograher - Cynthia Delaney
- A Cherished Curiosity - Gerry Biron
- Black Sheep - Robert Covelli
- Mental Toughness - Larry Koenig
- The Emotionally Intelligent Real Estate Agent - Hank Weisinger
- Kid2Kid - Jackie Fame
- Wise Childbearing - Jennetta Billhimer
- Renal Recipes for Cats and Dogs - Hilary Watson
- Eat with Cazz and Lose Your Azz - Randy Cazzalino
- Reclaiming Your Life After Cancer - Kim Thiboldeaux and Mitch Golant, PhD
- The Impact of Opening Leads Against Notrump Contracts - Audrey Grant
- Heart Attack proof - Michael Ozner, MD
- Turn This Car Around - Gov. Bob Ehrlich
- The Storm Breaks - James Bayne
- I.M. Green - Gudrun Hoof
- Still Dealing With How You’re Feeling
- Blake Carroll
- So You Thought You Couldn’t Cut It
-Jim Calder, Jr.
- The Skinny Book of Weight Loss Tricks
- Richard Kowal
- Empowering Spanish Speakers
- Jacquie Mackenzie
- Islamic Theory of Evolution - T.O. Shanavas
- Commonwealth Books
The Birth of Virginia’s Aristocracy
- The Dubious Achievement of the First Continental
- Joyful Journey Books
- Rescue Pup
- Michael Esslinger/Julie Dawn Cole
- I Want It Now!
- Brian Jaffe
Thanksgiving Tales
- Practicioner Solutions
Practitioner’s Clinical Guide - Hospice Navigator Series
- Polly Frost
With One Eye Open
- Jefferson Press (David Magee)
An Accidental Memoir
- Larry and Nydia Koenig
Smart Discipline for Teachers of Young Children
- Keeping Your Child Safe at school
- Michael Rhodes
The Freedom Code
- Blake Carroll
- Out of the Shaker
- How to Meet & Defeat the Enemy
Dealing with
How You’re Feeling
- Still Dealing With How You’re Feeling
- Chris Bart
20 Essential Questions Directors of Not-for-Profit Organizations Should Ask
About Strategy
- Cristy Molter
Superior Cooking
- Rabbi Fishel Jacobs
Two Kings 1 and 2 Power Rabbi
- Brandyn Roth
Backcountry Skiing & Snowboarding: Lake Tahoe
- Yanet Garcia
Forbidden Fairytales: City of Trinifin
- Alejandro Chaban
- De Gordo a Galan (From Fattie to Hottie)
- Headwater Books
- How to Catch Monster Shallow-Water Stripers
- Hilary Watson
- Complete
& Balanced: ALL-RAW Homemade Meals for Dogs
- Complete and Balanced: 101 Healthy Home-made Meals
for Dogs - Second Edition
Theresa Rose Opening the Kimono
- Mike Mosiman
The Smarter Preschooler
- Baron Barclay Bridge Supplies
- 2 Over 1 Game Force
- Popular Conventions
- Open the Bidding
- An Introduction
- Competitive Bidding
- Plural Publishing
The Pediatric Airway
- Digital Hearing Aids
- Photodynamic Therapy of Diseases of the Head and
- Play Ball Publishing
Dreams Will Come, Dreams Will Go
- Ocean View Publishing
- Letters from Alcatraz
- Alcatraz Rules & Regulations
- Excelsior Press
- Comfortable Sex
- BenBella Books, Inc. (100-plus books total)
- The Entrepreneur Equation
- Filled with GLEE
- The Safe and sane Guide to Teenage Plastic Surgery
- What Your Pediatrician Doesn’t Know Can Hurt
- The Company That Solved Health Care
- Networking Is a Contact Sport
- The Zen of Social Media Marketing
- Fake Alibis
- The Optimal Health Revolution - German edition
- Queers in History
- The Community College Guide
- Vision Revolution
- 100 Sporting Events You Must See Live!
- The Ticket
- The Great American Heart Hoax
- The Cure for Alcoholism
- Sex and War
- Bubbas
Turtle Moves Wonderful Marriage
- The Miami
Mediterannean Diet
Wonderful Marriage The Psychology of Superheores
- The Science of Michael Crichton
- History Revisited
- The Irrational Atheist
- The Science of Dune
- The Total Cancer Wellness Guide
- Smart Pop Sampler 2007
- The Psychology of Harry Potter
- Coffee at Luke’s
- Neptune Noir
- Perfect Health
- The Halo Effect
- Webslinger
- From Desperation to Dedication
- Da Vinci’s Kitchen
- Literary Cash
- Little T Learns to Share
- Reversing the Invisible Person Complex
- The Man with the Iron Tattoo
- So Say We All
- Don’t Chew Jesus
- This is My Funniest
- My Ox is Broken
- James Bond
- Boarding the Enterprise
- This is Chick-Lit
- The Battle for Azeroth
- Mapping the World of Harry Potter
- Star wars on Trial
- Welcome to Wisteria Lane
- The Man from Krypton
- The DaVinci Mole
- X-Men
- The Psychology of the Simpsons
- Remains
- Wonder's Child
- Shadows Fall
- Soothsayer
- Soul of Selling
- Finding Serenity
- Anthology at the End of the Universe
- War of the Worlds
- Child of Earth
- Gift from the Stars
- Into the Dark Lands
- Alias Assumed
- Navigating the Golden Compass
- The Science of Science Fiction
- Events
- Smart POP Sampler
- Flirting with Pride & Prejudice
- Farscape
- Revisiting Narnia
- The Healing Kitchen
- Totally Charmed
- King Kong
- Healthy Obsession program
- Jonathan David Publishers (80+ books total)
- China Mosaic
- The Complete Passover Cookbook
- At the Corner of Fact & Fancy
- Judaica Book Guide Spring 2008
- Judaica Book Guide Fall 2007
- Judaica Book Guide Spring 2007
- Judaica Book Guide Fall 2006
- Inside Judaism
- Ruth Talk
- Great Jews in Entertainment
- (see more below)
- FitnessLifestyle
- FAT Balance Diet
- Little Known Publications
- Spiritual Questions
The Whole Truth
- It Is What It Is
- Aline Hanle
- Beyond Fitness
- Eyeris Software
- User Manual
- John Barry Books
- Baskets of Eyes
- Timberlane Publishing
- You Don’t Have to Be Perfect to Be Great!
- Gallaudet University Press
- Primary Movement in Six lLanguages
- Video Relay Service Interpreters (cover)
- Primary Movement in Sign Languages (cover)
- Ethical Considerations . . . (cover)
- Signing in Puerto Rican - (cover)
- Prosodic Markers - (cover)
- International Perspectives . . . (cover)
- Access - (cover)
- Deaf Pedagogy - (cover)
- Deaf Education in America - (cover)
- Deaf Learners
- Deaf Daughter, Hearing Father
- Jeff Doyle
- Irresistible Leverage
- M. Evans (17 total)
- National Directory of Editors and Freelance Writers
- Frances Clark Center for Keyboard Pedagogy
- A Piano Teacher’s Legacy
- Family String Methods (12 total)
- Violin - Books 1 and 2
- Viola - Books 1 and 2
- Cello - Books and 2
- Study Spanish.com
- Lessons conversion web to print to web
- Digital Technologies, Inc.
- The Business of Digital Copyright - revised
- Town of Williston, Vermont
- Williston Town Plan
A here are a few more below . . .
